The following items from the eligible studies were independently extracted by the two investigators (Chenchen Li and Haiyun Qin): general study information (first author, publication year); animal species, gender; anesthetics used; sample size; method of ICH induction; type and dose of stem cells; time of administration; route of delivery; follow-up time; functional outcome (neurobehavioral score measured on any scale), structural outcome (tissue loss or brain water content) and study quality index. When a publication reported more than one experiment or where an experiment contained more than one individual comparison, they were regarded as independent experiments, and data for every individual comparison from each experiment were extracted, respectively. If neurobehavioral tests were performed at different times, we only extracted data for the final time point reported. If the data from multiple brain slices were reported in brain water content, we only extracted the data of ipsilateral basal ganglia. If the SD was not directly reported, we calculated it by multiplying the reported standard error (SE) by the square root of the group size. Additionally, if data were only presented graphically, we measured values for the mean and SD from graphs using quantitative methods on highly magnified images (GetData Graph Digitizer, version 2.26). For each comparison, we extracted data regarding mean and SD from both the control and treatment groups to compare the efficacy of stem cell.
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