Disaster recovery strategies available to you within AWS can be broadly categorized into four approaches, ranging from the low cost and low complexity of making backups to more complex strategies using multiple active Regions. Active/passive strategies use an active site (such as an AWS Region) to host the workload and serve traffic. The passive site (such as a different AWS Region) is used for recovery. The passive site does not actively serve traffic until a failover event is triggered.
It is critical to regularly assess and test your disaster recovery strategy so that you have confidence in invoking it, should it become necessary. Use AWS Resilience Hub to continuously validate and track the resilience of your AWS workloads, including whether you are likely to meet your RTO and RPO targets.
Disaster Recovery – But for Real
For a disaster event based on disruption or loss of one physical data center for a well-architected, highly available workload, you may only require a backup and restore approach to disaster recovery. If your definition of a disaster goes beyond the disruption or loss of a physical data center to that of a Region or if you are subject to regulatory requirements that require it, then you should consider Pilot Light, Warm Standby, or Multi-Site Active/Active.
When choosing your strategy, and the AWS resources to implement it, keep in mind that within AWS, we commonly divide services into the data plane and the control plane. The data plane is responsible for delivering real-time service while control planes are used to configure the environment. For maximum resiliency, you should use only data plane operations as part of your failover operation. This is because the data planes typically have higher availability design goals than the control planes.
Backup and restore is a suitable approach for mitigating against data loss or corruption. This approach can also be used to mitigate against a regional disaster by replicating data to other AWS Regions, or to mitigate lack of redundancy for workloads deployed to a single Availability Zone. In addition to data, you must redeploy the infrastructure, configuration, and application code in the recovery Region. To enable infrastructure to be redeployed quickly without errors, you should always deploy using infrastructure as code (IaC) using services such as AWS CloudFormation or the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). Without IaC, it may be complex to restore workloads in the recovery Region, which will lead to increased recovery times and possibly exceed your RTO. In addition to user data, be sure to also back up code and configuration, including Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) you use to create Amazon EC2 instances. You can use AWS CodePipeline to automate redeployment of application code and configuration.
Your workload data will require a backup strategy that runs periodically or is continuous. How often you run your backup will determine your achievable recovery point (which should align to meet your RPO). The backup should also offer a way to restore it to the point in time in which it was taken. Backup with point-in-time recovery is available through the following services and resources:
For Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), you can use Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication (CRR) to asynchronously copy objects to an S3 bucket in the DR region continuously, while providing versioning for the stored objects so that you can choose your restoration point. Continuous replication of data has the advantage of being the shortest time (near zero) to back up your data, but may not protect against disaster events such as data corruption or malicious attack (such as unauthorized data deletion) as well as point-in-time backups. Continuous replication is covered in the AWS Services for Pilot Light section.
As an additional disaster recovery strategy for your Amazon S3 data, enable S3 object versioning. Object versioning protects your data in S3 from the consequences of deletion or modification actions by retaining the original version before the action. Object versioning can be a useful mitigation for human-error type disasters. If you are using S3 replication to back up data to your DR region, then, by default, when an object is deleted in the source bucket, Amazon S3 adds a delete marker in the source bucket only. This approach protects data in the DR Region from malicious deletions in the source Region.
Any data stored in the disaster recovery Region as backups must be restored at time of failover. AWS Backup offers restore capability, but does not currently enable scheduled or automatic restoration. You can implement automatic restore to the DR region using the AWS SDK to call APIs for AWS Backup. You can set this up as a regularly recurring job or trigger restoration whenever a backup is completed. The following figure shows an example of automatic restoration using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and AWS Lambda. Implementing a scheduled periodic data restore is a good idea as data restore from backup is a control plane operation. If this operation was not available during a disaster, you would still have operable data stores created from a recent backup.
A pilot light approach minimizes the ongoing cost of disaster recovery by minimizing the active resources, and simplifies recovery at the time of a disaster because the core infrastructure requirements are all in place. This recovery option requires you to change your deployment approach. You need to make core infrastructure changes to each Region and deploy workload (configuration, code) changes simultaneously to each Region. This step can be simplified by automating your deployments and using infrastructure as code (IaC) to deploy infrastructure across multiple accounts and Regions (full infrastructure deployment to the primary Region and scaled down/switched-off infrastructure deployment to DR regions). It is recommended you use a different account per Region to provide the highest level of resource and security isolation (in the case compromised credentials are part of your disaster recovery plans as well).
With this approach, you must also mitigate against a data disaster. Continuous data replication protects you against some types of disaster, but it may not protect you against data corruption or destruction unless your strategy also includes versioning of stored data or options for point-in-time recovery. You can back up the replicated data in the disaster Region to create point-in-time backups in that same Region.
When failing over to run your read/write workload from the disaster recovery Region, you must promote an RDS read replica to become the primary instance. For DB instances other than Aurora, the process takes a few minutes to complete and rebooting is part of the process. For Cross-Region Replication (CRR) and failover with RDS, using Amazon Aurora global database provides several advantages. Global database uses dedicated infrastructure that leaves your databases entirely available to serve your application, and can replicate to the secondary Region with typical latency of under a second (and within an AWS Region is much less than 100 milliseconds). With Amazon Aurora global database, if your primary Region suffers a performance degradation or outage, you can promote one of the secondary regions to take read/write responsibilities in less than one minute even in the event of a complete regional outage. You can also configure Aurora to monitor the RPO lag time of all secondary clusters to make sure that at least one secondary cluster stays within your target RPO window.
A scaled down version of your core workload infrastructure with fewer or smaller resources must be deployed in your DR Region. Using AWS CloudFormation, you can define your infrastructure and deploy it consistently across AWS accounts and across AWS Regions. AWS CloudFormation uses predefined pseudo parameters to identify the AWS account and AWS Region in which it is deployed. Therefore, you can implement condition logic in your CloudFormation templates to deploy only the scaled-down version of your infrastructure in the DR Region. For EC2 instance deployments, an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) supplies information such as hardware configuration and installed software. You can implement an Image Builder pipeline that creates the AMIs you need and copy these to both your primary and backup Regions. This helps to ensure that these golden AMIs have everything you need to re-deploy or scale-out your workload in a new region, in case of a disaster event. Amazon EC2 instances are deployed in a scaled-down configuration (less instances than in your primary Region). To scale-out the infrastructure to support production traffic, see AWS Auto Scaling in the Warm Standby section.
One option is to use Amazon Route 53. Using Amazon Route 53, you can associate multiple IP endpoints in one or more AWS Regions with a Route 53 domain name. Then, you can route traffic to the appropriate endpoint under that domain name. On failover you need to switch traffic to the recovery endpoint, and away from the primary endpoint. Amazon Route 53 health checks monitor these endpoints. Using these health checks, you can configure automatically initiated DNS failover to ensure traffic is sent only to healthy endpoints, which is a highly reliable operation done on the data plane. To implement this using manually initiated failover you can use Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller. With Route 53 ARC, you can create Route 53 health checks that do not actually check health, but instead act as on/off switches that you have full control over. Using the AWS CLI or AWS SDK, you can script failover using this highly available, data plane API. Your script toggles these switches (the Route 53 health checks) telling Route 53 to send traffic to the recovery Region instead of the primary Region. Another option for manually initiated failover that some have used is to use a weighted routing policy and change the weights of the primary and recovery Regions so that all traffic goes to the recovery Region. However, be aware this is a control plane operation and therefore not as resilient as the data plane approach using Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller. 2ff7e9595c